Post Operative Pain Control

Instructions For After Surgery Pain

–Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Take 650 mg or 1000 mg of acetaminophen every 6 hours around the clock for two days.

Don’t take more than 4 grams (4000 milligrams) of acetaminophen from all sources of medications you are taking. For exam if you are taking cold serums or if you are prescribed Norco or Percocet which also includes Tylenol. Please ask your doctor about Tylenol if you have chronic liver disease or ask about ibuprofen if you have chronic kidney disease.

–Add ibuprofen 400 mg (2 over the counter pills) or 600 mg every 6 hours around the clock for two days.

–Stagger the Tylenol and ibuprofen so that you’re taking one or the other every three hours.

–Make sure you are having daily bowel movements. Most people require milk of magnesia 30 mL one to two times per day for 1 week following surgery.

*Please do not take these medications if you have been instructed not to by another physician.

Non-medication therapies:
–Rest, heating pad
–Meditation, music, guided imagery and light massage
–Stretching and walking